Please ensure that your lock system supports 13.56MHz frequency before registering these key fobs. They are not compatible with other frequencies such as 125kHz.
The key fobs are read-only and cannot be re-programmed using a card writer. They come pre-programmed and cannot be changed.
These key fobs are compatible with MIFARE Classic 1K Card (M1 Card). If your lock uses M1 card, these key fobs will work with your lock as well.
These key fobs are suitable for use with 13.56MHz RFID proximity access control system and ID management system. For example, you can register them as new keys for your RFID door lock if applicable.
The size of each key fob is approximately 1.58*1.26*0.18 inch. They are made of ABS Plastic and come in black color. The package includes 100 pieces.